Церковь Святого Лазаря — лютеранская кирха Кингисепп

Evangelical-Lutheran parish of Yamburg

Church of Saint Lazarus


It is believed that first worship was held here in 1634 in Yam fortress (its ruins remain standing on the banks of Luga river up to today).

A separate town parish was formed in 1823 and consisted of Germans who worked at a local factory. Approval of a parish occurred in 1858. A wooden church with 120 seats was consecrated in the name of St. Lazarus on March 10, 1863.

Since the 1860s, a large number of Estonian settlers joined the parish forming a filial Estonian parish in 1882. Prior to building their own chapel, Estonian community held worship in the church of Saint Lazarus. In 1906-1907, Estonian members arranged their own church and school in Teshkovo town.

On March 2, 1923, the church of St. Lazarus was closed. In 1925 (1931 according to other sources), the building was transferred to a school.

In 1994, a reborn parish was registered again. At first, the parishioners gathered in the premises of the Inkerin Liitto (Society of Ingrian Finns), then the parish acquired its own building. It was renovated and consecrated on May 25, 1996. The historical building of the Church of Saint Lazarus has not survived to the present.

Present days:

The parish belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria and is in West Ingrian provost.

The parish holds regular worship, Bible studies and concerts. Social support is provided for parishioners in need.
